Wednesday 6 November 2013

'Sons of Anarchy' Season 6 Episode 9 Recap; The Truth Will Set You Free

It's been a season of lies on Sons of Anarchy, but in this episode, it was all about telling the truth or hearing it. Oh, and pussy. Sweet holy pussy. How many times did you rewind that crazy Clay scene? Did you stop it before he bit the dude's nose off? Kurt Sutter explained that, among other things, in our postmortem. Let's dig in.

We opened with shirtless Jax running water over his face and staring at his Abel tattoo on his chest, thereby giving us permission to stare at his chest, too. Thank you. Thomas started crying, so Jax went and got his bottle ready and passed him off to Tara. Over at Gemma's, Nero awoke in her bed and didn't comment on the fact that Gemma was kneeling and praying. Clearly he needed coffee, which she made him as he moved to the kitchen to read the newspaper. "Hopefully we didn't make the front page today," she joked. Ha. She hadn't wanted to ruin his homecoming last night by telling him the headline involving her and Tara, but he's had a few hours of peace now. Once he heard what had happened, he told Gemma she was going to need more than the word of Wendy, a guilt-ridden junkie Jax hates, if she's going to convince Jax that Tara betrayed him. Nero didn't doubt Gemma's innocence. He can see that she has deep secrets that weigh her down, but he knows she'd never spin the truth when it comes to her kids. (Well...)
As she came clean, Jax was once again being honest with Tara. He told her the reason Clay is still alive inside is that the Irish want him to be point for guns in Cali. They plan to bust him out when he's transported next week (in SOA time, who knows when that'll happen). Tara's feeling guilty, too -- she tried to get Jax to stop telling her things, presumably so she wouldn't be tempted to write them down for her case against him parenting their boys. Jax, however, just thought she was putting distance between them because of her charges. He can't figure out how to help her with those, but he can keep his promise as a husband and be honest with her. He'd been trying to protect her from things, which he realizes hasn't worked at all. They shared a rare kiss on the lips. He finally vocalized what we've all noticed: Ever since she's gotten out of Stockton, she hasn't been able to say "I love you" to him. He's going to stop saying it to her so she doesn't feel bad about it (how considerate), but he wanted her to know it's what he feels.
The DA paid Eli a somber visit to tell him she's giving him three extra units so he can have Jax tailed 24/7. Jax arrived at the new clubhouse on his bike and passed what I thought was the Homeless Woman who recurs on the show suddenly looking damn good. And younger. She just had a backpack, which made me think of the school shooting. (We'd find out later it wasn't her.) Happy is back and reporting that most of their buyers will be cool with the personnel change after they talk to Clay. So Chibs is working on getting Clay a phone inside. Bobby said the Italians could be a problem. (What Italians?) Unser showed up and Bobby had a warm greeting for him: "Wow. You didn't die yet?" (Foreshadowing? Or just a cancer joke?) "A little every day," Unser said.
While the guys went upstairs, Jax and Unser had a chat. Jax thanked him for all he's done for Tara and the boys. If the young woman hadn't taken a pipe wrench to a bike and then thrown it through the window of the clubhouse, Unser probably would have tried to get Jax to show mercy on his mom. But Jax darted out after the girl and grabbed her when he caught up to her. He asked who she was and why she'd done that. She yelled "Rape! Rape!" and he had to let her go as the townsfolk gathered.

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